Source code for callee.general

General matchers.

These don't belong to any broader category, and include matchers for common
Python objects, like functions or classes.
import inspect

from callee._compat import IS_PY3, STRING_TYPES
from callee.base import BaseMatcher

__all__ = [
    'Any', 'Matching', 'ArgThat', 'Captor',

# TODO: introduce custom exception types rather than using built-ins

# TODO: matchers for positional & keyword arguments,
# e.g. *Args(Integer(), min=1, max=10), **Kwargs(foo=String(), bar=Float())

[docs]class Any(BaseMatcher): """Matches any object.""" def match(self, value): return True def __repr__(self): return "<Any>"
[docs]class Matching(BaseMatcher): """Matches an object that satisfies given predicate.""" MAX_DESC_LENGTH = 32 def __init__(self, predicate, desc=None): """ :param predicate: Callable taking a single argument and returning True or False :param desc: Optional description of the predicate. This will be displayed as a part of the error message on failed assertion. """ if not callable(predicate): raise TypeError( "Matching requires a predicate, got %r" % (predicate,)) self.predicate = predicate self.desc = self._validate_desc(desc) def _validate_desc(self, desc): """Validate the predicate description.""" if desc is None: return desc if not isinstance(desc, STRING_TYPES): raise TypeError( "predicate description for Matching must be a string, " "got %r" % (type(desc),)) # Python 2 mandates __repr__ to be an ASCII string, # so if Unicode is passed (usually due to unicode_literals), # it should be ASCII-encodable. if not IS_PY3 and isinstance(desc, unicode): try: desc = desc.encode('ascii', errors='strict') except UnicodeEncodeError: raise TypeError("predicate description must be " "an ASCII string in Python 2") return desc def match(self, value): # Note that any possible exceptions from ``predicate`` # are intentionally let through, to make it easier to diagnose errors # than a plain "no match" response would. return bool(self.predicate(value)) # TODO: translate exceptions from the predicate into our own # exception type to not clutter user-visible stracktraces with our code def __repr__(self): """Return a representation of the matcher.""" name = getattr(self.predicate, '__name__', None) desc = self.desc # When no user-provided description is available, # use function's own name or even its repr(). if desc is None: # If not a lambda function, we can probably make the representation # more readable by showing just the function's own name. if name and name != '<lambda>': # Where possible, make it a fully qualified name, including # the module path. This is either on Python 3.3+ # (via __qualname__), or when the predicate is # a standalone function (not a method). qualname = getattr(self.predicate, '__qualname__', name) is_method = inspect.ismethod(self.predicate) or \ isinstance(self.predicate, staticmethod) if qualname != name or not is_method: # Note that this shows inner functions (those defined # locally inside other functions) as if they were global # to the module. # This is why we use colon (:) as separator here, as to not # suggest this is an evaluatable identifier. name = '%s:%s' % (self.predicate.__module__, qualname) else: # For lambdas and other callable objects, # we'll just default to the Python repr(). name = None else: # Quote and possibly ellipsize the provided description. if len(desc) > self.MAX_DESC_LENGTH: ellipsis = '...' desc = desc[:self.MAX_DESC_LENGTH - len(ellipsis)] + ellipsis desc = '"%s"' % desc return "<Matching %s>" % (desc or name or repr(self.predicate))
ArgThat = Matching
[docs]class Captor(BaseMatcher): """Argument captor. You can use :class:`Captor` to "capture" the original argument that the mock was called with, and perform custom assertions on it. Example:: captor = Captor() mock_foo.assert_called_with(captor) # captured value is available as the `arg` attribute self.assertEquals(captor.arg.some_method(), 42) self.assertEquals(captor.arg.some_other_method(), "foo") .. versionadded:: 0.2 """ __slots__ = ('matcher', 'value') def __init__(self, matcher=None): """ :param matcher: Optional matcher to validate the argument against before it's captured """ if matcher is None: matcher = Any() if not isinstance(matcher, BaseMatcher): raise TypeError("expected a matcher, got %r" % (type(matcher),)) if isinstance(matcher, Captor): raise TypeError("cannot pass a captor to another captor") self.matcher = matcher def has_value(self): """Returns whether the :class:`Captor` has captured a value.""" return hasattr(self, 'value') @property def arg(self): """The captured argument value.""" if not self.has_value(): raise ValueError("no value captured") return self.value def match(self, value): if self.has_value(): raise ValueError("a value has already been captured") if not self.matcher.match(value): return False self.value = value return True def __repr__(self): """Return a representation of the captor.""" return "<Captor %r%s>" % (self.matcher, " (*)" if self.has_value() else "")