Operator matchers


These matchers use Python’s relational operators: <, >=, etc.

class callee.operators.Less(*args, **kwargs)[source]

Matches values that are smaller (as per < operator) than given object.

Accepts a single argument: the reference object to compare against.

It can be passed either as a single positional parameter, or as a single keyword argument – preferably with a readable name, for example:

some_mock.assert_called_with(Number() & LessOrEqual(to=42))

alias of callee.operators.Less


alias of callee.operators.Less

class callee.operators.LessOrEqual(*args, **kwargs)[source]

Matches values that are smaller than, or equal to (as per <= operator), given object.

Accepts a single argument: the reference object to compare against.

It can be passed either as a single positional parameter, or as a single keyword argument – preferably with a readable name, for example:

some_mock.assert_called_with(Number() & LessOrEqual(to=42))

alias of callee.operators.LessOrEqual


alias of callee.operators.LessOrEqual

class callee.operators.Greater(*args, **kwargs)[source]

Matches values that are greater (as per > operator) than given object.

Accepts a single argument: the reference object to compare against.

It can be passed either as a single positional parameter, or as a single keyword argument – preferably with a readable name, for example:

some_mock.assert_called_with(Number() & LessOrEqual(to=42))

alias of callee.operators.Greater


alias of callee.operators.Greater

class callee.operators.GreaterOrEqual(*args, **kwargs)[source]

Matches values that are greater than, or equal to (as per >= operator), given object.

Accepts a single argument: the reference object to compare against.

It can be passed either as a single positional parameter, or as a single keyword argument – preferably with a readable name, for example:

some_mock.assert_called_with(Number() & LessOrEqual(to=42))

alias of callee.operators.GreaterOrEqual


alias of callee.operators.GreaterOrEqual

By length

In addition to simple comparison matchers described, callee offers a set of dedicated matchers for asserting on object’s length. You can use them in conjunction with any Python Sequence: a string, list, collections.deque, and so on.

class callee.operators.Shorter(*args, **kwargs)[source]

Matches values that are shorter (as per < comparison on len) than given value.


alias of callee.operators.Shorter

class callee.operators.ShorterOrEqual(*args, **kwargs)[source]

Matches values that are shorter than, or equal in length to (as per <= operator), given object.


alias of callee.operators.ShorterOrEqual

class callee.operators.Longer(*args, **kwargs)[source]

Matches values that are longer (as per > comparison on len) than given value.


alias of callee.operators.Longer

class callee.operators.LongerOrEqual(*args, **kwargs)[source]

Matches values that are longer than, or equal in length to (as per >= operator), given object.


alias of callee.operators.LongerOrEqual


class callee.operators.Contains(value)[source]

Matches values that contain (as per the in operator) given reference object.

class callee.operators.In(container)[source]

Matches values that are within the reference object (as per the in operator).


class callee.operators.Is(value)[source]

Matches a value using the identity (is) operator.

class callee.operators.IsNot(value)[source]

Matches a value using the negated identity (is not) operator.



You will most likely never use the following matcher, but it’s included for completeness.

class callee.operators.Eq(value)[source]

Matches a value exactly using the equality (==) operator.

This is already the default mode of operation for assert_called_with methods on mocks, making this matcher redundant in most situations:

mock_foo.assert_called_with(Eq(bar))  # equivalent

In very rare and specialized cases, however, if the tested code treats callee matcher objects in some special way, using Eq may be necessary.

Those situations shouldn’t generally arise outside of writing tests for code that is itself a test library or helper.

Parameters:value – Value to match against