Source code for callee.numbers

Matchers for numbers.
from __future__ import absolute_import

import fractions
import numbers

from callee._compat import IS_PY3
from callee.base import BaseMatcher

__all__ = [
    'Complex', 'Real', 'Float', 'Rational', 'Fraction',
    'Integral', 'Integer', 'Int', 'Long',

class NumericMatcher(BaseMatcher):
    """Matches some number type.
    This class shouldn't be used directly.
    #: Number class to match.
    #: Must be overridden in subclasses.
    CLASS = None

    def __init__(self):
        assert self.CLASS, "must specify number type to match"

    def match(self, value):
        return isinstance(value, self.CLASS)

    def __repr__(self):
        return "<%s>" % (self.__class__.__name__,)

[docs]class Number(NumericMatcher): """Matches any number (integer, float, complex, custom number types, etc.). """ CLASS = numbers.Number
[docs]class Complex(NumericMatcher): """Matches any complex number. This *includes* all real, rational, and integer numbers as well, which in Python translates to `float`\ s, fractions, and `int`\ egers. """ CLASS = numbers.Complex
# TODO: consider adding a dedicated matcher for the ``complex`` type; # right now, though, ``IsA(complex)`` and ``Complex() & ~Real()`` are probably # acceptable workarounds
[docs]class Real(NumericMatcher): """Matches any real number. This includes all rational and integer numbers as well, which in Python translates to fractions, and `int`\ egers. """ CLASS = numbers.Real
[docs]class Float(NumericMatcher): """Matches a floating point number.""" CLASS = float
[docs]class Rational(NumericMatcher): """Matches a rational number. This includes all `int`\ eger numbers as well. """ CLASS = numbers.Rational
[docs]class Fraction(NumericMatcher): """Matches a fraction object.""" CLASS = fractions.Fraction
[docs]class Integral(NumericMatcher): """Matches any integer. This ignores the length of integer's internal representation on Python 2. """ CLASS = int if IS_PY3 else (int, long)
[docs]class Integer(NumericMatcher): """Matches a regular integer. On Python 3, there is no distinction between regular and long integer, making this matcher and :class:`Long` equivalent. On Python 2, this matches the :class:`int` integers exclusively. """ CLASS = int
#: Alias for :class:`Integer`. Int = Integer
[docs]class Long(NumericMatcher): """Matches a long integer. On Python 3, this is the same as regular integer, making this matcher and :class:`Integer` equivalent. On Python 2, this matches the :class:`long` integers exclusively. """ CLASS = int if IS_PY3 else long