Source code for callee.strings

Matchers for strings.
import fnmatch
import re

from callee._compat import IS_PY3, casefold
from callee.base import BaseMatcher
from callee.objects import Bytes

__all__ = [
    'Bytes',  # backwards compatibility
    'String', 'Unicode',
    'StartsWith', 'EndsWith',
    'Glob', 'Regex',

# String type matchers

class StringTypeMatcher(BaseMatcher):
    """Matches some string type.
    This class shouldn't be used directly.
    #: String class to match.
    #: Must be overridden in subclasses.
    CLASS = None

    # TODO: support of= param, so we can assert what characters
    # the string consists of (e.g. letters, digits as iterables of chars;
    # boolean predicate; or matcher)
    def __init__(self):
        assert self.CLASS, "must specify string type to match"

    def match(self, value):
        return isinstance(value, self.CLASS)

    def __repr__(self):
        return "<%s>" % (self.__class__.__name__,)

[docs]class String(StringTypeMatcher): """Matches any string. | On Python 2, this means either :class:`str` or :class:`unicode` objects. | On Python 3, this means :class:`str` objects exclusively. """ CLASS = str if IS_PY3 else basestring
[docs]class Unicode(StringTypeMatcher): """Matches a Unicode string. | On Python 2, this means :class:`unicode` objects exclusively. | On Python 3, this means :class:`str` objects exclusively. """ CLASS = str if IS_PY3 else unicode
# Infix matchers # TODO: generalize for all sequence/collection types
[docs]class StartsWith(BaseMatcher): """Matches a string starting with given prefix.""" def __init__(self, prefix): self.prefix = prefix def match(self, value): return value.startswith(self.prefix) def __repr__(self): return "<StartsWith %r>" % (self.prefix,)
[docs]class EndsWith(BaseMatcher): """Matches a string ending with given suffix.""" def __init__(self, suffix): self.suffix = suffix def match(self, value): return value.endswith(self.suffix) def __repr__(self): return "<EndsWith %r>" % (self.suffix,)
# Pattern matchers
[docs]class Glob(BaseMatcher): """Matches a string against a Unix shell wildcard pattern. See the :mod:`fnmatch` module for more details about those patterns. """ DEFAULT_CASE = 'system' #: fnmatch functions that the matchers uses based on case= argument. FNMATCH_FUNCTIONS = { DEFAULT_CASE: fnmatch.fnmatch, True: fnmatch.fnmatchcase, False: lambda f, p: fnmatch.fnmatchcase(casefold(f), casefold(p)), } def __init__(self, pattern, case=None): """ :param pattern: Pattern to match against :param case: Case sensitivity setting. Possible options: * ``'system'`` or ``None``: case sensitvity is system-dependent (this is the default) * ``True``: matching is case-sensitive * ``False``: matching is case-insensitive """ self.pattern = pattern try: if case is None: case = self.DEFAULT_CASE self.fnmatch = self.FNMATCH_FUNCTIONS[case] except KeyError: raise ValueError("invalid case= argument: %r" % (case,)) def match(self, value): return self.fnmatch(value, self.pattern) def __repr__(self): return "<Glob %s>" % (self.pattern,)
[docs]class Regex(BaseMatcher): """Matches a string against a regular expression.""" REGEX_TYPE = type(re.compile('')) def __init__(self, pattern, flags=0): """ :param pattern: Regular expression to match against. It can be given as string, or as a compiled regular expression object :param flags: Flags to use with a regular expression passed as string """ if self._is_regex_object(pattern): if flags and flags != pattern.flags: raise ValueError("conflicting regex flags: %s vs. %s" % ( bin(flags), bin(pattern.flags))) else: pattern = re.compile(pattern, flags) self.pattern = pattern def _is_regex_object(self, obj): return isinstance(obj, self.REGEX_TYPE) def match(self, value): return self.pattern.match(value) def __repr__(self): return "<Regex %s>" % (self.pattern.pattern,)
# TODO: matchers for common string formats: Url, Email, IPv4, IPv6